May 16, 2007

sun to rain

On Thursday I got up early and went for a bike ride around the lake - it was wonderful to see teh sun come up over the lake. I felt good and finished in about 1:30. Thursday night I worked in the garden with my mom - she mowed the lawn as I cut down another one of our huge bronze flax plants that did not do to Friday morning I swam 3000 yrds - 300 warm up 300, 100 pull, 400, 100 pull, 500, 100 pull, 400, 100 pull, 300, 100 pull, 200 100 cool down - finishing up in just under 1:05. I went hard on the 100 yrd pull sets and tried to keep my pace up through out the entire work out. Though my paced slowed over time - I started at 1:47 min 100 yrd pace and by my last 100 was closure to 1:52 which I'm ok with. My shoulder hurt a little bit at the beginning but after a while I just ignored it and it did not seem to effect the swim.
Friday evening Kyle and I ran 5 miles sort of together (we ran the same route at least). The first 2 miles were all down hill which makes it harder for me to really warm up so I never really felt like I got in a good rhythm esp since the next 3 miles were all up hill. This was the first run on my new shoes on sidewalks and I was shocked at that my foot or lower legs never hurt. I pushed myself to pick up the pace for the last mile and I finished the 5 miles in 43 min.
Saturday morning when the alarm went off it was pouring rain - Kyle and I seriously questioned our sanity but somehow we managed to get in the shower and get ready to do the Tour de Cure ride. Luckily the rain tapered off as we drove down to the park. By the time the ride got started the roads were only a little wet and it was starting to warm up. By mile 5 I was already packing away my rain jacket. We were part of the Lemond Fitness team - a friend of our works for them and has invited us to be part of it the last couple of years. Last year when I did the ride I was not really strong enough to stay up with the team and road the entire 50ish mile alone. This year was the direct opposite - hehe. From the start I road right up front with Kyle and some other guys -(I was the only girl in the group) we were not going super hard so that the group stayed together mostly but still it was cool. Though we still regrouped at the first couple of rest stops. The route was good - it started out pretty easy - heading north to Maltby and then east and up the old Woodenville Duvall Road up to Redmond Ridge then onto Union hill and back to the Park. The shocker was my mom and Jerry showed up and cheered for us - it was a total surpise - a very cool one at that. I would say the last half of the ride were jammed packed with hills. Around mile 20 Kyle and this crazy good rider Bernard Boglioli pulled away and did some speed drills and stuff the rest of the way back. I just kept going as well as I could up all the hills - I even dropped a few of the guys that had been riding with us - always fun. I finished the 44 mile ride in about 2:41 which I was pretty happy with. I was supposed to run a mile or so after but I got distracted by the Chipotle buritos and Jamba Juice they had ready at the finish and never got to that run. oops who can say no to a yummy lunch.
Today we got up early again to go for a run but Col and Bryan bailed on us so we decided to head up to Kyle's Dad's beach house and hang out up there all day and do a 9 mile run at some point. We hung out and chatted while the rain came and went a couple of times. The sun came out for a moment and we jumped on teh opurtunity and got out to run. We ran an out and back route that went along the beach for a while and then on some rolling hills out to the highway. I felt ok on the way out - nothing special. I felt better when I saw Kyle on his way back and I was only a mile behind him. My calves were a little sore from teh ride yesterday but after a while I just ignored it. The hardest part was that the road was not flat - it was sloped off to the sides which put a bit of pressure on my calves - nothing to bad though. The good news is that I ran the 9 miles in my new shoes and my foot never hurt :). The rain did not start up again till about the last mile and by then it actually felt nice. I finished the 9 mile run in 1:18:23.

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