May 11, 2007

ride interupted

I had the wonderful idea to combine the two things I needed to do last night one was feed my moms cat and the second was to get an hour bike ride - so why not ride ride from my house to my moms house which is out by Ames lake about 15 miles or so away and talk Kyle into picking me up so that I don't over due it or get stuck in the dark.
I got started around 6:30ish pm - I planned on riding down to the lake, through marymoore and then up Union Hill road and out to Ames Lake - pretty basic but it had lots of hills which would be fine but on the first main up hill my chain would not stay in gear and kept slipping. Which considering I was on a winding road with little to no shoulder it pretty much sucked. I was not really sure what was wrong, how bad it could get or how to fix it so I called Kyle and just had him pick me up at the top of the hill. So I only got about 38 min and 10 mile in. The largest bummer was hat my legs felt great, the weather was wonderful - it was just the perfect evening for a ride. Oh well - Kyle took a look at it today and it was just the rear derailer cable was loose so he has fixed it/could not get it to slip out anymore. So I should be good for my Saturday ride :)
This morning I got up and swam 3000yrds - 400 warm up, 500, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 cool down in 66 min. My shoulder felt good, I'm still feeling a little worn down esp after the second 500 set though nothing a weekend with some extra sleep can't help. The entire time I was thinking about swimming open water and if it was warm enough yet.
On that thought I have started looking at getting a new wetsuit - I currently have a perfectly good one but with all my shoulder issues I would like to get one that has a bit more movement in the shoulders. So far I have only looked online at 2XU and Blue Seventy.. But who knows I just wish the local lakes would warm up already.

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