Feb 17, 2007

small taste of spring

Today I tried to take full advantage of the wonderfully warm and dry weather. This morning I ran an easy 4 miles or so - 36 min. The weather was so nice it was hard not to feel good - my calves were a bit tight but nothing bad at all. I just enjoyed being out running in wonderful weather.
I got back had a recovery drink and then did about 80 minutes of yoga - I picked up a dvdcalled yoga for athletes so I wanted to try it out and see if doing it after running would help my legs fell better. It was pretty good - I'm fairly familiar with all the postures from other classes I have taken but it felt good. The cats thought I was nuts though. lol
Next the plan was to meet Col, Bman and maybe Kyle for a ride around lake Samm. I needed a new tire put on my rear wheel and Kyle said he would do it before the ride (after his morning ride with other friends) but he never came back and I have never changed a tire (yes I know this is retarded and a shameful admission but totally true). I got overwhelmed and sort of mentally broke down - I'm not totally sure why or anything but I did. Kyle told me to meet him at Idlewood park and he would change the tire quickly and I could still ride.. Finally I did - of course I had already given up on riding so I was not dressed for it - after kyle fixed my tire I drove to Marymoore and changed and road out on east lake samm to meet the group for the last part. My legs felt surprisingly ok and of course I caught up to them after the big/only real hill so I got to do it twice - go figure. We rode the rest of the way back and stopped at Chipotle before getting all the way back to the cars. Bman was shocked that I ate all three of my tacos.
Afterwards I had my bike fitting appointment at SVC - I was plenty warmed up and my legs were tired after all that I had done already. The fit was cool - they measured me and took all sorts of things into consideration like flexablity. I also tried out some different saddles (my current one is a bit to cushy and not very comfortable on longer rides). The end result was that the cervelo R3 51cm would fit me really well with a few adjustments and should work with both the road and tri configuration. My current bike is the right size (though the next size down would have been better). Even so we put a deposit down on the R3 and once I get the new bike I will sell my current bike - it would be way to nice of a bike to only be used as a rain bike (if any one knows of a good home for a 51 cm Trek WDS 5000 2006 let me know lol).

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