Apr 25, 2008


It was just sort of an ok week nothing special - I got all my training in and everything but never really felt stellar. Just sort of got it done kind of week I guess. One of the goals was to get 3 work outs for each sport - so far I have 2 done sp I just have to get a swim, bike and run in this weekend.
Let see Monday I had off as a rest day. tuesday I ran at lunch and the swam 3000 yds - by the end I was a complete prune and was exhausted. Wednesday I rode to and from work - 5 min faster on the way in than the last time and 5 min slower on the way home because of baseball traffic. Thursday morning I had pilates with lots of jumping and worked on rotation a lot. In the evening I ran with 2 min hill repeated 4 times - I choose a good long hill for the repeats but the rest of my route was also hilly and shorter than I expected so I had to run in circles a bit to get the full 5 miles. I was so beat I could have drank a gallon of chocolate milk afterwards. Tonight I swam again - not quite as far but for the first time Coach had me do intervals - 200 in 3:45 and I could just not do it - I was 3 seconds over both times and I was going at full effort. I was just not really feeling it tonight.

Now what I am excited about is tomorrow I'm going skiing at Alpental with my brother. Alpental has always been my winter home away from home. I just love the place. It is where I always feel myself, I spent a lot of time with my Dad there, I met Kyle there, it has a very special place in my heart. And I have not gotten in very many days of skiing this year - of all years when they had amazing snow all winter. It may not be the best timing for my other training but I feel the need to go up and be in the snow.

Other thoughts these days is that Vancouver Half Marathon is next weekend and Hawaii 70.3 is a MONTH away.. Only a month!! I feel like I need more time to be more prepared. I don't feel ready even though I am way stronger than I was last year at this time but still.. Now I can't wait to go to Hawaii and spend some time in the warm sunny weather but I don't exactly feel ready to race. I want to be faster - way faster than last year. I was injured last year and had to walk almost the entire half marathon - so I feel like I need to prove something this year. So I have a month to get my head ready to race. I know my body is in way better shape and I can do it. I just need to get my head screwed on right.
The mental game is defiantly my greatest weakness - I have gotten better at staying confident during training but the stress and expectations of racing still messes with me. Vancouver will be a good test not only for my legs but also for my head. I know I can run faster I just have to believe it, stick to it and not give up mid-race.

Okay with that I'm off to get my ski and run stuff together for tomorrow. How does a ski to run brick sound :)

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